Telecom SMOS

Smart Management Operation Suite (SMOS) was developed by IMEL and offers a unique web-based suite of fully integrated products for end-to-end management of workflows and processes from the concept stage through planning, design, approval, funding and construction, to completion of work, as-built updating, budget reconciliation, inventory recording and plant assignment.


The SMOS modules of PlanMan, WorkMan, and AssignMan are fully configurable to meet customers’ specific requirements.


PlanMan is a workflow management application that tracks the progress of Planning Proposals from initiation through to forwarding for the issuing of a Work Order to implement. PlanMan provides for multiple scenario development and analysis.


WorkMan is an end-to-end project workflow management application that tracks the progress of Work Orders from receipt of the Request for Work through the design, approval, construction, reconciliation payment and as built updating processes to Work Order closure.


AssignMan is a telecommunications specific service assignment application for both copper and fiber networks. AssignMan responds to CRM requests for network assignment details associated with service and circuit allocations, rearrangements and disconnections.